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Distillery: Barton Brands Distillery, Bardstown KY
Type: Bourbon
Receptacle: 500 mL glass bottle (with cork)
History: 1792 was the year that Kentucky became a state (and a damn good one at that). Bourbon can (technically) be produced anywhere in the United States but most (with rare exception) are made in and around the Louisville (said Loo-ville, not Looey-ville or Louis-ville and if you're talkin' bourbon, get it right!), Bardstown Lexington triangle. For those unfortunate few that are made outside of Kentucky, they would be better used as lighter fluid for burning down the distilleries that they are made in.
Drinkability (1 being hill-billy piss, 10 being the most awesome thing to ever be in your mouth): 9. Most bourbons are notoriously smooth, this is no exception. While most bourbons have a little bite to them this has almost none (in terms of bourbon). The hue of bourbon is a nice amber color with a strong smell that resonates well. It is similar in taste to a Woodford but more mellow on the palette and with a slightly heavier aftertaste that leaves you wanting more. This wouldn’t however be a good bourbon for Mint Juleps in my opinion because its too mellow to suit the sweetness of the julep. 1792 is also positioned as a high end bourbon (for those who are wondering) that is meant to compete with Woodford Reserve (the “Make you believe in God” bourbon) and Makers Mark (the “I want to be trendy, so I’ll buy this because the bottle looks cool” bourbon). It does have a very good rich taste that can probably be attributed to the oak used for the barrels. There is no need for any mixing what so ever, as it is perfectly fine and velvety by itself or on the rocks.
Intoxication (1 being Southern Baptist in the land of Mega Churches, 10 being drunk like a hillbilly by a still out in the Appalachians): 7, it it pretty stout at 94 proof, but still not as stout as other bourbons in its category like Knob Creek (which is in short supply right now) or Bulleitt (which will take paint off of walls... seriously... I the cabinet it was in lost paint) but its still sufficient enough to get you drunk, but for normal folks it might be too expensive so sipping it with a nice cigar is always a good option.
Celebrities You May See Drinking This Spirit: Jerry Bruckhiemer (lives literally miles away from where it is made, and also has an ice rink in his barn), Charlie Sheen, Bob Baffert and God.
Affordability ($ being White Castle, $$$$ being a $1000 pizza): $$$ for me, $$$$ for people outside of Kentucky, $$$$$ for people outside the US. Living in this state does have its advantages - great horse racing and cheap (but good) bourbon. I actually dread leaving this state because I don’t know how to survive with out it. I paid $27 for it out in the “ritzy” part of town but have bought it for $20 plus tax (which sucks because until a few months ago there was no sales tax on alcohol) versus online where the cheapest you can get it is $29 before shipping.
In closing, if you like bourbon don't live in Kentucky (or nearby Indiana) you're pretty much screwed if you want good bourbon for a reasonable price tag.
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