Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewery
Type: American Barleywine
Receptacle: 12 ounce bottle
Drinkability (1 being Jim Jones' kool-aid, 10 being the nectar of the gods): 5
I'm gonna be polite and give it only a five. Even if you can handle the more complex beers, Bigfoot is a barleywine and takes shit to a whole new level. Either you can handle it, or you can't. There is no in-between here.
Heartiness (1 being fresh mountain spring water, 10 being a pureed British steak infected with mad cow disease): 9
Don't get me wrong. It's by no means heavy like a stout. But I can honestly say this is the first beer that I can truly taste the alcohol when I drink it.
Intoxication (1 being your friend's weird pentecostal grandmother high on Jesus, 10 being Boris Yeltsin on a week long bender in the Crimea): 10
It's a barleywine folks, and if you aren't familiar with that family of beer let me just say, it'll fuck your life up. Bigfoot weighs in at a hefty 9.6 abv. Good to know if you plan on taking down a six pack in one evening.
Celebrities You May See Drinking This Brew: Adam Blank (once he's out of vodka), John Lithgow, Ron Perlman, Andre the Giant.
Affordability ($ being chicklets in Tijuana, $$$$ being diamond encrusted braised lamb shank from a trendy cafe on the Champs d'Elysee): $$: I don't remember what I paid for it. But it's Sierra Nevada and their beer is often on sale around here. It can't be more than what Arcturus paid for his Dos Equis Amber, which I might say was a pretty penny for Mexican beer.
Overall: 9.99
This shit is fabulous. It's good if you appreciate beer, and it'll get you drunk like none other. Just remember to not overdo it. Bigfoot is a large mythical beast, and like it's namesake this beer will ruin your fucking life if you don't respect it.
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