1. I don't surf. I really wish I could surf - it looks like a lot of fun. But I can't. I tried to learn a few years ago - but failed miserably. My last experience with surfing involved me falling off the board so many times, that I came to work the following Monday completely bruised from my shoulders to my ankles. It took weeks for the bruises to fade. The sad part was that all of that damage had come from me simply trying to paddle - I hadn't even gotten to the part where you try to get up on the board. I am pathetic.

- 1998: I laid out too long and ended up with second degree burns on my face. It was so bad, my boss at the sandwich shop I worked at in high school sent me home because I was "grossing out" the customers.
- 2000: I give the beach another try - this time while wearing many layers of sunscreen - and still get badly burned. My ankles swelled up so badly, it looked like I had "cankles" for about 2 weeks. Needless to say, I wore pants during those 2 weeks.
- 2007: I give the beach one more try - wearing SPF 30 - and end up sunburned on about 70 percent of my body. I could barely walk. I also got sun poisoning the next day and fainted at a shopping center. An elderly lady ran up and started rubbing aloe vera plant on my skin. God bless her, but the whole experience was humiliating.
3. I've never auditioned for anything - ever. The only brush I've had with television is when I went ice skating on the day that a new ice rink opened near the town where I grew up. The local news channel was there, and apparently, I skated by as they were doing their story. My friend called me and said "I saw you ice skating on TV." I have no idea why I didn't get a 3-picture deal out of that...
4. I don't call anyone "bro." Nor do I use the variations of bro, which include "broham," "brohamulus," "broseph," or "brah."

7. I have never started a web-based business. However, I just learned that "buy my cheap crap dot com," is available. So this might change...
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