Obviously as a Dodgers fan, I would have a little different perspective on last night's goings on at Wrigley. Inexplicably one of my fellow TMS bartenders is asking me to share my thoughts about it. He's probably hoping I'll somehow jinx my team.
Ain't gonna happen. In fact, I'm not even going to write very much. You get blurbs. In this post-Sarah Palin world, who has time for complete sentences or coherent thoughts anyway?
- The first few innings were rough. Ryan Prom Night Dempster Baby kept walking guys and LA couldn't drive anyone in. I was livid. In fact, I was ranting about why the Dodgers continue to go up there hacking when its clear Dempster can't find the strike zone?
- Literally seconds later, Loney hits a Grand Slam. You could see the enthusiasm leave the building as he rounded the bases.
- OK, even I got tired of hearing about how sullen Cubs fans are. I can't imagine how you felt listening to Dick Stockton ramble on about that for the entire 2nd half of the game.
- After watching Manny golf a pitch a dozen rows up in dead center, anyone who claims Boston is better off with Jason Bay isn't smart enough to be McCain's vice-President. Jason Bay? More like Jason Gay!
- My keys for Game 2. Run, run, run. LA needs to get in Zambrano's head early. Also, more home runs from Loney, Manny, and Martin would be nice. I'd like to see Matt Kemp get in on the action so those two douchebags at the LA Times STFU.
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