Batten down the hatches! The khakis are coming! That's right, Wrigleyville will be inundated with red shirts and khaki shorts beginning this afternoon as Albert Poopholes and his band of merry men visit our first-place Chicago Cubs. Cub fans in the bleachers, please remember that Cardinal fans know not what they do. They, like our own Chip Wesley, are poor, misguided souls that have no identity or any hope worth clinging to. Shout at and berate them all you will, but remember that they are innocent pawns and will leave the stadium more scared and bewildered than when they entered it. In other news...
- Look for either a Gist or a Drunk Blog of the Sunday night game on ESPN. I could tell you that we intend to Gist each game of this fantastic series, but honestly, the weather's going to be too beautiful to sit inside at the laptop.
- If the Olympics occur, but you only get to see them in tape delay, do they really happen? Also, the Summer games have nothing on the Winter games. Who gets charged up to watch fast guys run a series of different distances? Daft Funk will have more on the Olympics later today. Go East Germany!
- Hidden in all of the Favre drama was the fact that Chad Pennington was released. He who happens to be the most accurate passer of the decade (statistically). How have the Bears not already signed him?
- Look for a complete Thunderfist recap early next week. We don't want to overlap all of our stories, so we're compiling the entire weekend into one post. This will only matter to those of you who choose to live vicariously through the lives of Internet strangers.
- We're working on updating the Cubs blog links on the sidebar. It will hopefully end up looking more like an RSS feed, where the latest posts from the active Cubs blogs rotate throughout the day.
- For those of you that like soccer, I'm dying to write up a Premier League preview as the season kicks off on the 16th. If I'm ambitious enough, you can look forward to that in two separate posts next week.
- And finally, apologies for the British takeover of the site last weekend. We hope that didn't scare any of our precious few readers away.
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