The Gist: Game #8

April 09, 2008 | Comments (0) | by Rich Funk

Another game between the Cubs and Pirates goes way too long and should have been over twice. Here's some thoughts:
  • How awesome was Dempster today? Sure it was the Pirates, but when you can go 7 innings and only give up one hit, you've got a solid start. If Dempster can get anywhere between 12-15 wins, it will really offset the regression that may or may not be coming from Ted Lilly this year.
  • I really like Daryle Ward a lot and I'd love to see what he could do with a full-time job. Now I'm not saying we should bench D-Lee and lord knows that there are enough outfielders already. Between him and Thunder Matt, can't we have 11 players in the lineup?
  • We've done our fair share of bagging on the "Pride of Riverside" but Reed Johnson has actually been pretty solid so far. But one has to wonder if Piniella has dumped Felix Pie quicker than 5th period English class. Some may say that Johnson is platooning with Pie, but when you have a guy that hasn't played much like Pie, can you really tell if he's that much better/worse than anyone else? And if Pie isn't the answer, why can't we move Fukudome to center and stick Murton in right (something Chip Wesley has been shouting from the mountaintop for weeks)?
  • Aramis Ramirez? Money in extras today. Kerry Wood? Not so money. But we have to remember that with a power pitcher as our closer, occasionally he's gonna give up the longball. And don't forget that Jason Bay used to be good back in the day. I expect Wood to bounce back next time out.
  • Kevin Hart can eat me.
  • Adam LaRoche can also eat me. Can't he have the sensibility to get hurt like his 3B playing Dodger twin?
  • Going long on Monday was ok because we got Tuesday to rest the bullpen. So what do we do Wednesday? Extend the bullpen even more! At least the Pirates had to stretch their pen too.
  • Sean Marshall...thank you. Now we can go to bed.