Those download recommendations with an * can be heard on TMS Radio - so tune in and have a go.
Hawaii - Don Ho - I've got nothing. Jack Johnson was the only other name I recognized and I can‘t in good conscience tell you to download anything he put out. I’ve predicted his music will lead to post office shootings.
Download - Tiny Bubbles
Idaho - Paul Revere and the Raiders - I’m really scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Illinois had better bail my ass out.
Download - Indian Reservation

*Download - Zero
Indiana - Michael Jackson - Before his nose fell off and his penchant for touching boys became public knowledge, Jackson was an unstoppable force in the music industry. Last I heard, he was living in Bahrain as a guest of one of the princes there and dressing as a woman (seriously).
Download - Smooth Criminal
Iowa - Donny Brazile - Isn't that Al Gore's old campaign manager? No, thats Donna Brazille. Whatever. Its this asshole or Slipknot. I've made my choice. I think he hit on Brant Brown's fiancee, but I don't remember.
*Download - Wastin' Mine
Kansas - Martina McBride - Another state not giving me much. This country songstress has pretty much been hijacked by the right wing because of the song Independence Day. I guess they don’t know its about an abusive relationship and not “Amuhrika”.
*Download - Where Would You Be

*Download - Louisville
Louisiana - Louis Armstrong - Louisiana produced all the great jazz artists, but I don't like jazz and they haven’t done much else. Louis is the best of the best.
Download - We Have All the Time in the World
Maine - Vacationland - I don’t know who these people are, but wikipedia says they were compared to Guns N Roses and Marilyn Manson. Good enough for me.
Download anything since I don’t know what they sound like.

*Download - Dance Floor Anthem
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