Those download recommendations with an * can be heard on TMS Radio - so tune in and have a go.
Alabama - Alabama - Go figure eh? Three decades of harmonized country pop even your grandmother can love.
Download - Reckless*
Alaska - Jewel - Folk pop princess who once proudly lived in a car. She’s pretty much done at this point because the average Joe was too dumb to realize her 2004 CD “0304” was ironic and not an attempt to sell out. Morons.
Download - This Way*

Download - If You Don’t, Don’t*
Arkansas - Johnny Cash - You may not know it, but the Man in Black hailed from Arkansas. No blurb can suffice here, but he survived decades of cocaine, booze, prison concerts, and ultimately a rebirth thanks to Rick Rubin.
Download - The Man Comes Around*

Download - Otherside*
Colorado - John Denver - The late John Denver could have gone here or under West Virginia. He gets put here because Colorado hasn’t turned out any other famous musicians - and he adopted the last name of Denver for christ’s sake. Beyond that, when I hear "Rocky Mountain High", I don't think about West Virginia.
Download - Take Me Home, Country Road*
Connecticut - Liz Phair - What can I say? Connecticut sucks.
Download - Supernova
Delaware - George Thorogood & the Destroyers - Thorogood will one day burn in hell for releasing “Bad to the Bone” on the world.
Download - Cocaine Blues
Florida - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers - Bored with dominating the Southern rock scene, in 1997 Petty appeared in The Postman and currently has a recurring role on King of the Hill. What the Heartbreakers are up to today? Who the hell knows…
Download - Runnin’ Down a Dream*

Download - Leave*
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