In preparation for my new life as an Australian music star (I'm going to play pop songs on the didgeridoo), I've put together The Warringah Sessions - a nice cross sample of music from that great nation. Here's what you're in for:
AC/DC - Thunderstruck - To get you pumped for the next nine tracks, this was the logical starting point. There were plenty of good AC/DC songs to pick from, but none have the energy of Thunderstruck.

JET - Look What You've Done - JET isn't very good. They've made a career ripping other bands off and yelling a lot. They stop yelling here and actually put out a decent track.
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You - My love/hate relationship with Mr. Nicole Kidman has been documented here before, so I won't bore you with it again. Here's another example of one of his catchy tunes that I hate myself for liking.

INXS - Elegantly Wasted - If you strangle yourself while masturbating when you're listening to this, don't blame me.
Wolfmother - Woman - Finally, someone has the good sense to grow an afro and play Sabbathesque rock again. We were long overdue. This is one of the tracks on MLB 2K7 and in spite of hearing it constantly when I play that, I still enjoy it.

Olivia Newton John - Please Mister Please - Australians doing country is nothing new. Olivia put this out in 1975. This is easily as twangy as anything you'd find coming out of Kentucky or Texas.
Silverchair - After All These Years - Everyone's favorite former grunge act with a hairy chested, anorexic lead singer is the perfect way to take us out. Don't take that the wrong way, I love these guys. As Chaim documented in his Lollapalooza post, they rock. They slow things down here though in one of my favorite songs.

Note: Men at Work and Savage Garden were not forgotten. Land Down Under would have been too obvious and as for Savage Garden, I refuse to subject you to a band that took its name from an Anne Rice book.
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