Although who's setting the batting order while he's out? At what point has Jacque Jones warranted batting 5th in the order this season? I suspected Dusty was faxing in a lineup but then noticed that Cesar Izturis wasn't batting second so I ruled it out.
I have nothing more to add, so to completely mail it in, here's a snapshot of the musings around the Cubs Blog Nation. You can read what some other people had to say because I'm shit of thoughts for now. These posts get the trusty Thunder Matt's Seal of Approval.

1060West - With the Cubs sitting on the 3rd pick in the upcoming draft, 1060 looks back at all of their first rounders through the years. Check out the picks between Palmeiro and Wood and try not to vomit in your mouth.
Goat Riders - While there's been a lot of talk of the Cubs season finally being taken off life support, Mike explains how a crappy division and the fluke occurrence of talent may keep the feeding tube in for the meantime.
Hire Jim Essian! - If you're not reading HJE yet, then it's about damn time you started. The Bottom 126 has been one of the most entertaining recurring Cub features I've read.
View From the Bleachers - Offering you some more optimism here. While some marked the Lou tirade as the beginning of the end for this season, Joe from TVFTB thinks this is the turning point. I'll at least give him credit that so far he seems to be right.
Walks Clog the Bases - Even more optimism for you. Gene Wojagajoisg4csahiea#asgki has turned on the team. That can only mean good things for us, right?
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