To get to know Martin a little better, here's his TMS profile that will be added to our Meet the Saloon Staff page.

Real Name: Cody
Where are you from? 3rd Level of Purgatory
Where are you now? Tyler Durden's Basement
Favorite Baseball Team: Minnesota Twins
Favorite Current Player(s): Joe Mauer
Favorite All-Time Player(s): Kirby Puckett (RIP)
First MLB game you attended: Don Larsen's no-hitter in the World Series.
Any memorable encounters with MLB players? Got in a knife fight w/Von Hayes & I spent a season as a correspondent tracking the ever elusive Pedro Guerrero.
Which player(s) would you love to sit and have a beer with? Barry Zito and Rob the same time.
Which player(s) would you like to punch in the face? Bonds and any member of the Yankees
Which player(s) would you like to punch you in the face? Huh????
What's better for baseball, the moustache or the big-league mullet? The moustache. It comes in oh so many shapes and forms....
What 80's hair metal band do you most relate to? Quiet Riot
What's your favorite beer? O'Doul's
What's the capital of Bolivia? Washington DC
What's the most valuable baseball card you own? '85 Topps Whitey Herzog
If your daily life had game commentary, who would you want as your play-by-play and color guy? Summerall and Madden.
What would you rather see, Kyle Farnsworth in a barfight, a cockfight, or a hobo fight? I'd rather see Kyle Farnsworth's feet tied to a cement pole and see his hands tied to the back of an 18 Wheeler and then set that bad boy in motion.
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