Most alarming is that McGwire only got 128 votes on the record 545 ballots cast. I knew there would be backlash against him but I didn't think it would be that harsh. We'll see how he fares next year since there are those tools out there that weren't going to vote for h

Then there's the whole blank ballot submission. There were two this year, one admittedly submitted by Paul Ladewski of the Daily Southtown. His reason was essentially in protest to players that played during the Steroids Era. Fine if you don't like the guys who fall under the dark cloud of performance enhancers, but Jesus, we all know Ripken and Gwynn most likely weren't a part of that. I mean has the guy ever seen Tony Gwynn's physique? Unless Denny's Moons Over My Hammy is considered a performance-enhancing substance, I don't think you have to worry about ol' Tony. And if you really wanted to send a message to the supposed juicers, then how about voting for those folks that played prior to that time, who are still on the ballot? Guys like Rice, Dawson, Mattingly, and Dale Murphy. Guys that were the most-feared sluggers of their era and have since been largely ignored, mainly because of the highly inflated statistics from the latter era that you so much abhor. Submitting a blank ballot is idiotic and you shouldn't be allowed the privilege to fill one out next year or any year for that matter.
This marked the 15th and final year for Steve Garvey to be on the ballot. Godspeed Steve. Say 'hi' to Ronnie on the Veterans Committee ballot for me.
I'll be back tomorrow with the TMSSS2000 results for this week's NFL games.
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