Today Cowherd tackled the subject of NFL training camps, and how the intensity of practices in brutally hot weather is being lightened across the league. He proceeded to explain how these athletes are already at elite status in their profession, and are more motivated by rewards rather than by being "toughened up" in preparation for the season; the carrot on a stick rather than the whip if you will. Mark Cuban babies his players, and they respond. Tom Coughlin is tough on his players, Colin surmizes, and many of them don't like him for it. For the most part, I agreed with Colin in that times and motivations have changed between say 1968 and now. But isn't that obvious, especially in light of the Korey Stringer incident five years ago? Anyway, on to the breakdown:

Not really. His stance was already pretty obvious, even to the casual sports fan. And he made sweeping generalizations. -1
Did he dig a little deeper than just re-hashing the top story?
Well, he didn't really do any digging, but it was a slow news day. I won't dock him.
Did he give credence to the other side of the story?
Well, the players might not like Tom Coughlin, but are his methods effective? Look at his track record: His Jacksonville teams made it to the AFC Championship game (but lost) in 1996 and 1999. 1995 was Jacksonville's first year in the league, and he was their first head coach. He turned them into strong Super Bowl contenders in one year. Sandwiched between those years were a Wild Card game appearance in 1997 and a
Divisional Championship game in 1998. He went to the NY Giants in 2004, and led them to a Wild Card game appearance the next year. I would say his methods work. -1
Did he use a fake voice?
Well, kind of. He made a half-hearted attempt at a Louie Anderson impersonation. I mean, Christ, Louie Anderson? Even if he was spot-on, he still needs to get docked. -1
Did he repeat one thought/idea/analogy incessantly?
His analogy was the carrot vs. the stick. Or something. It didn't drive me crazy though, so he survives unscathed.
Did he make an assumption or exaggerate to help prove his point?
Yes, heavy in assumptions. Bobby Knight might be rough on his players, but it undeniably worked in the '80's. -1
Did he contradict an earlier stance without saying he changed his mind?
Not that I could tell, but we'll be on the lookout for his eventual change in position.
Did he alienate a good portion of his listening audience (like presumably over 30%)?
No, the topic was pretty mild.
Final Score: 4 (out of 8). Mediocrity again reigns on the airwaves.
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