Hopefully Maddux can shut Florida down and we can get some hits, which shouldn't be a problem given that today's starter Brian Moehler has been giving up over 7 hits a game on average. Then again, the hits aren't the problem, its the runs. The Cubs are currently 29th in the league in runs, which may as well be last place since Kansas City doesn't really count as a viable MLB team. Hell, at least the Cubs spend money (albeit not wisely).
But lets stay positive here. That's Dusty's mantra. In an interview yesterday Dusty said, "This losing, I'm not used to this. It's getting to me. Yeah, there's an end in sight." You can definitely tell its getting to him. Check out this photo comparison.
When the Cubs are winning.

At least the Pirates can hit and are competitive though.
don't worry, Jim Tracy will have that nonsense whipped into shape in no time
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